JLPT N5 Grammar List
When counting in Japanese certain special counters need to be applied depending on the objects or subjects.
Kanojo wa kyōkasho o issatsu, manga bon o ni-satsu motte iru.
She has one textbook and two comics.
Sono Eki no mae ni wa biru ga san-ken, minka ga yon-ken aru.
There are 3 buildings and 4 private houses in front of the station.
Kōhī o go-hai, kōcha o roppai, motte kite kudasai.
Please bring 5 cups of coffee, 6 cups of tea.
Kanojo wa inu o nana hiki, neko o happiki katte imasu.
She has seven dogs and eight cats.
Kare no musume wa kyuu-sai de, musuko wa jyussai da.
His daughter is nine years old and his son is ten years old.
Watashi wa kaisha ni shū gokai iki, jimu ni shū san kai kayotte iru.
I go to work five times a week and go to the gym three times a week.
See also