JLPT N5 Grammar List
want to do something
You use たい to express a desire to do something.
The direct object can be marked either by が or を.
Verb-ます(masu) stem + たい
Watashi wa ashita shiti-ji ni asa gohan o tabetaidesu.
I want to eat breakfast at 7 o’clock tomorrow.
Watashi wa rainen, daigaku o sotsugyō shitaidesu.
I want to graduate from university next year.
Watashi wa go gatsu ni Nihon ni ikitaidesu.
I would like to go to Japan in May.
Musume wa, ashita, Tōkyō o kankō shitaidesu.
My daughter wants to do sightseeing in Tokyo tomorrow.
Watashi wa kyō, obasan to no yakusoku o mamoritaidesu.
I want to keep a promise I made to my aunt today.
Raigetsu, Ōsaka no hon’ya de nihongo no kyōkasho o sagashitaidesu.
I want to find a Japanese textbook at a bookstore in Osaka next month.
See also