Nihongo Soumatome N3 Choukai

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audioNihongo Soumatome N3 ChoukaiNihongo Soumatome N3 Choukai with CDs.

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Nihongo Soumatome N3 Kanji

[Download JLPT N3 Materials]

Nihongo Soumatome N3 KanjiNihongo Soumatome N3 Kanji.

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Nihongo Soumatome N3 Goi

[Download JLPT N3 Materials]

Nihongo Soumatome N3 GoiNihongo Soumatome N3 Goi Vocabulary. This textbook is designed as a six-week course. You will study 20-40 words a day, 1,200 words in total, which are found on JLPT. Every week, from Day 1 to Day 6, you will study groups of functional phrases similar in form and usage. On Day 7, you will review what you have learned in the “Jissen Mondai” (Practice Exercise) which follows JLPT format. English definitions are provided to each vocabulary. The special features of this book: -You will learn the JLPT Level N3 vocabulary through studying its usage in different situations. -It offers efficient ways to learn approximately 1,200 words through the provision of short sentences, clauses, and illustrations. -you will learn not only vocabulary but reading skills, listening skills and useful everyday expressions.

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Nihongo Soumatome N3 Dokkai

[Download JLPT N3 Materials]

Nihongo Soumatome N3 DokkaiNihongo Soumatome N3 Dokkai.

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Nihongo Soumatome N3 Bunpou

[Download JLPT N3 Materials]

Nihongo Soumatome N3 BunpouNihongo Soumatome N3 Bunpou. This book is to be used as a six-week study guide. Each day, you will study three to four grammatical items found on the JLPT. Every week, from Day 1 to Day 6, you will study grammatical items which are similar in form and usage. On Day 7, you will check to see if you have learned them by doing the “Jissen Mondai” (Practice Test), that is in JLPT format. English translation is provided to explanations and examples sentences.

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