JLPT N4 Grammar List
“to give” seen from the speaker’s point of view. You must use this verb when you are giving something or doing something for someone else.
giver + は + receiver + に + noun + を + あげる
Watashi wa kore o anata ni ageru.
I’ll give this to you.
Watashi wa kore o sensei ni ageru.
I’ll give this to the teacher.
Watashi wa tomodachi ni purezento o ageta.
I gave the present to my friend.
Haha wa otōto ni nōto o ageta.
The mother gave my younger brother a notebook.
Anata ni ageru mono ga aru.
I have something to give you.
Asa, hana ni mizu o ageta.
I gave water to flowers in the morning.
See also