
ごろ (goro)

JLPT N4 Grammar List

around; about:approximate time point


Verb-stem + ごろ/ころ
Noun + ごろ/ころ


毎朝、私は7時ごろ家を出る / 家を出ます。
Maiasa, watashi wa shichi-ji-goro ie o deru/ ie o demasu.
I leave home around 7 o’clock every morning.

毎晩、私は11時寝る / 寝ます。
Maiban, watashi wa jyuuichi ji koro neru/ nemasu.
I go to bed around 11 o’clock every night.

今晩は、夜9時ごろ帰る / 帰ります。
Konban wa, yoru ku-ji-goro kaeru/ kaerimasu.
I’ll return home at around nine tonight.

兄と昼ごろ駅で別れた / 別れました。
Ani to hiru-goro eki de wakareta/ wakaremashita.
I said goodbye to my elder brother at around noon at the station.

何時、一緒に食事をしようか / 食事をしましょうか。
Nanji goro, issho ni shokuji o shiyou ka/ shokuji o shimashou ka.
About what time shall we eat together?

いつ、あなたの怪我は治るか/ 治りますか。
Itsugoro, anata no kega wa naoru ka/ naorimasu ka.
Around When will your injury heal?

Watashi wa kesa wa shichi ji goro (ni) okimashita.
I got up about seven o’clock this morning.

Tōka goro (ni) mō ichido atte hanashimashō.
Let us meet again around the 10th and talk about it.

Sono hashi wa itsu goro dekiagarimasu ka.
About when will that bridge be completed?

Nan ji goro (ni) ukagaimashō ka.
At about what time shall I call on you?

See also

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