
し (shi)

JLPT N4 Grammar List


You use ~し to list reasons for multiple states and actions.


Verb-casual + し
いadj + し
なadj/ N + だし


Ano e wa utsukushīshi, kono e mo mata utsukushīdesu.
That painting is beautiful, and so is this one.

今日、私は少し熱がある、頭が痛いので早退 します。
Kyō, watashi wa sukoshi netsu ga arushi, atama ga itainode  sōtai shimasu.
Today, I have a slight fever and headache so I will leave early.

Iroirona hito ni aerushi, nihongo o hanasu kikai mo arushi, sono pātī wa shusseki suru kachi ga arimasu.
Since we can meet a variety of people and have opportunities to speak Japanese, that party is worth attending.

See also

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