
に反して (ni han shite)

JLPT N2 Grammar List

against; contrary to; in contrast to


Noun + に反して/に反する


天気予報に反して雨が降り続いている / 降り続いています。
Tenkiyohō ni hanshite ame ga furitsudzuite iru/ furitsudzuite imasu.
It’s been raining nonstop in contrast to the weather forecast.

予想に反して試験はとてもやさしかった / やさしかったです。
Yosō ni hanshite shiken wa totemo yasashikatta/ yasashikattadesu.
Contrary to my expectations, the test was very easy.

息子は、自分の意志に反して契約書に署名させられた / 署名させられました。
Musuko wa, jibun no ishi ni hanshite keiyakusho ni shomei sa se rareta/ shomei sa se raremashita.
My son was made to sign the contract against his will.

彼の返事は私達の期待に反するものだった / 反するものでした。
Kare no henji wa watashitachi no kitai ni hansuru monodatta/ hansuru monodeshita.
His response was contrary to our expectations.

規則に反する行為は重く罰せられる / 罰せられます。
Kisoku ni hansuru kōi wa omoku basse rareru/ basse raremasu.
Conduct which is against the regulations shall be heavily punished.

Ane wa tesaki ga kiyōda. Sore ni hanshite, watashi wa totemo bukiyōda.
My older sister is very clever with her hands. On the other hand, I am clumsy with my hands.

Arishia wa ryōri ga zenzen dekinai. Sore ni hanshite, kanojo wa sōji ga tokuida.
Alicia can not cook at all. On the contrary, she is good at cleaning.

See also

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