JLPT N4 Grammar List

Verb: change the last /u/ to /e/ and attach 「ば」
いadjective or negatives ending in 「ない」
drop 「い」and attach 「ければ」
Noun and なadjective: attach 「であれば」
Hitsuyōnaraba, watashi ga isha ni kiku/ kikimasu.
I will ask the doctor if needed.
問題が起きれば、あなたにメールする / メールします。
Mondai ga okireba, anata ni mēru suru/ mēru shimasu.
If a problem occurs, I will email you.
Tsugō ga yokereba, ashita, watashi wa anata ni aitai/ aitaidesu.
If it’s convenient, I’d like to see you tomorrow.
Kanōnaraba, kurejittokādo de shiharaitai/ shiharaitaidesu.
I’d like to pay by credit card if it’s possible.
あなたにお薦めがあるならば、教えて/ 教えてください。
Anata ni osusume ga arunaraba, oshiete/ oshietekudasai.
Please let me know if you have any recommendations.
あなたに不満があるならば、私に話して / 話してください。
Anata ni fuman ga arunaraba, watashi ni hanashite/ hanashite kudasai.
If you have dissatisfaction, please talk to me.
あなたに時間があれば、ダンスの仕方を教えて/ 教えてください。
Anata ni jikan ga areba, dansu no shikata o oshiete/ oshietekudasai.
If you had more time, please teach me how to dance.
Kore wa Matsumoto-sensei ni kikeba wakarimasu.
(You’ll understand it if you ask Prof. Matsumoto.)
Sono machi wa kuruma de ikeba sanjuppun de ikeru.
(You can get to that town in thirty minutes if you go by car.)
Yasukereba kaimasu.
(I’ll buy it if it’s cheap. / I would buy it if it were cheap.)
Jikan ga areba Kyoto e mo ikitai.
(If I have time, I want to go to Kyoto, too. / If I had time, I would want to go to Kyoto, too.)
Mitakereba minasai.
(If you want to see it, see it.)
Dekireba kore mo yatte kudasai.
(Please do this, too, if you can.)
See also