JLPT N4 Grammar List

Verb-casual + 場合(は)
Noun + の場合(は)
緊急の場合、私は警察に電話する / 電話します。
Kinkyū no baai, watashi wa keisatsu ni denwa suru/ denwa shimasu.
In case of emergency, I will call the police.
雨天の場合は運動会を中止する / 中止します。
Uten no baai wa undōkai o chūshi suru/ chūshi shimasu.
In case of rain, the athletic meeting will be called off.
キャンセルの場合は、料金を返金する / 返金します。
Kyanseru no baai wa, ryōkin o henkin suru/ henkin shimasu.
In the case of cancellation, we refund the fee.
電車に遅れた場合は、私はタクシーを使う / 使います。
Densha ni okureta baai wa, watashi wa takushī o tsukau/ tsukaimasu.
In case I miss the train, I will take a taxi.
あなたが2つ買った場合は、もう1つ無料で手に入る / 入ります。
Anata ga futatsu katta baai wa, mō hitotsu muryō de tenihairu/ hairimasu.
If you buy two, you will get another one free.
Konna bāi wa dō sureba ii desu ka.
What should I do in this case?
Sonna bāi wa nani mo shinakutemo ii desu.
You do not need to do anything in such a case.
Kinkyū no bāi wa kono botan o oshite kudasai.
In case of emergency, push this button.
Akutenkō no bāi wa chūshi shimasu.
If the weather is bad (In case of bad weather), we will cancel it.
Shūri ga kanō na bāi (wa) mitsumori o renraku kudasai.
If repair is possible, tell me an estimated sum.
Shūri ga kanō ja nai bāi (wa) risaikuru shimasu.
If repair is not possible, I will recycle it.
Mōshimomu bāi (wa) asatte madeni shorui o teishutsu shite kudasai.
If you apply, please hand in the papers by the day after tomorrow.
Hoteru ni tomaranai bāi (wa) kyanseruryō ga hitsuyō desu.
If you do not stay at the hotel, a cancellation charge will be demanded.
Ima sonna koto o itte iru bāi dewa nai.
Now is not the time to say such matters.
See also