JLPT N2 Grammar List
…being the case; (precisely) because; as might be expected from.
Verb-casual + だけあって
Noun + だけあって
いadj + だけあって
なadj + なだけあって
Kanojyo wa, bijyutsugakkou wo detadake atte, e ga jōzu desu.
As expected of a woman who went to art school, she draws well.
Kare wa izen ōsutoraria ni sunde itadake atte, sasuga ni kono kuni no koto o yoku shitte imasu.
He used to live in Australia so he knows a lot about this country.
Sasuga hyouban’no resutoran dakeatte ryouri mo saabisu mo subarashikattadesu.
That restaurant has a good reputation, and as expected the food and service was great.
See also