[Japanese Flashcards]

髪を切る /kamiwokiru/ To get haircut
He had his hair cut.
I get a haircut every month.
You had better have your hair cut.

染める /someru/ To dye hair
The boy dyed his hair because he wanted to be noticed.
She dyed her hair black.

パーマかける /paamakakeru/ To wave (perm) hair
She permed her hair.
It is in fashion now to have a straight perm.

すく /suku/ To comb hair
Paul comb his hair with his hand.
I’m combing my hair with a comb.

坊主 /bouzu/ Skin head (bald)
He has his head shaved.
I met a bald man on the way.

ロン毛 /ronge/ Long haired man
Why did you grow long hair?
He looks handsome with long hair.

前髪 /maegami/ Bangs
Don’t cut my bangs too short.
It’s not the mode for young girls to curl their bangs.

美容室 /biyoushitsu/ Beautician
She went to the beautician’s.
I’ll go to the beautician’s tomorrow.

床屋 /tokoya/ Barber
Go to the barber’s to have your hair cut.
I had my hair cut at the barber’s.
Images from bond_lingo