There are 45 posts filed in Flashcard (this is page 1 of 5).
Japanese Idioms by Flashcards
Color in Japanese
[Japanese Flashcards]
紫 /murasaki/ Purple
If you mix blue and red, the result is purple.
The color is purple rather than pink.
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Direction in Japanese
[Japanese Flashcards]
東 /higashi/ East
Which direction is the east?
The eastern sky was getting light.
北 /kita/ North
The compass points to the north.
Canada is to the north of the United States.
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[Japanese Flashcards]
山 /yama/ Mountain
We saw a mountain in the distance.
He climbed Mt. Fuji.
They lost their way in the mountain.
旅館 /ryokan/ Japanese travaller’s inn
That Japanese travaller’s inn has a homey atmosphere.
温泉 /onsen/ Hot spring
This hot spring is a great find.
There are a lot of hot springs in Japan.
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“Family” in Japanese
[Japanese Flashcards]
父親 /chichioya/ Father
He’s a carbon copy of his father.
Is her father a doctor?
マイホーム /maihoumu/ Home of family’s own
Tom was finally able to buy himself a home, as he had long desired.
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Flowers in Japanese
[Japanese Flashcards]
桜 /sakura/ Cherry blossom
In Tokyo, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
There’s an old cherry tree in the garden.
Cherry trees are planted along the street.
百合 /yuri/ Lily
Lilies smell sweet.
The lilies have been beaten down by the rain.
A smell of lilies filled the room.
連 /ren/ Lotus
We have very big lotus leaves.
朝顔 /asagao/ Morning glory
I’m growing morning glories.
菊 /kiku/ Chrysanthemum
She stopped picking chrysanthemum.
A smell of chrysanthemum filled the room.
チューリップ /chuurippu/ Tulip
The tulips budded finally.
The tulips in my garden are now at their best.
紅花 /benibana/ Safflower
Safflowers are still used as food coloring as well.
向日葵 /himawari/ Sunflower
I like sunflowers the best.
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“Friendship” in Japanese
[Japanese Flashcards]
彼氏 /kareshi/ Boyfriend
Do you have a boyfriend?
When was the last time you saw your boyfriend?
相棒 /aibou/ Buddy
They’re my friends from work.
This rat, up until just now he was my partner and now he’s gone and turned on me.
同級生 /doukyuusei/ Classmate(s)
He gets along well with his classmates.
He is my classmate.
知り合い /shiriai/ Just know each other, but not friends yet
Do you know him?
Do you know anyone in Boston?
親友 /shinyuu/ Best friend(s)
John is my best friend.
My best friend went to Canada.
彼女 /kanojo/ Girlfriend
My girlfriend got angry.
I don’t like lying to my girlfriend.
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Snow in Japanese
[Japanese Flashcards]
手 /yuki/ Snow
The snow has disappeared.
It’s raining again. I wonder if we will be able to have the February snow festival?
Snow completely covered the town.
雪だるま /yukidaruma/ Snowman
If it snows tomorrow, I will build a snowman.
My little sister painted a picture of a snowman.
かまくら /kamakura/ Igloo
The igloos in Yokote have a 450-year history.
An experience to enjoy a reserved igloo.
初雪 /hatsuyuki/ First snow
The first snow came before long.
Depending on the climate of the year, the first snow of the season often falls on November and can continue to fall until April.
大雪 /ooyuki/ Heavy snow
The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall.
He came in spite of the heavy snow.
The heavy snow prevented me from going out.
小雪 /koyuki/ Light snow
The New Year came in with a light fall of snow.
Everyone hoped for a snow flurry for Christmas.
粉雪 /konayuki/ Powder snow
Fine powdery snow.
A fine snow was falling outside.
牡丹雪 /botanyuki/ Large snowflakes
Snow is coming to town in large flakes.
雪合戦 /yukigassen/ Snowball fight
We had a snowball fight.
The children is throwing snowballs at each other.
Images from bond_lingo
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Saving money in Japanese
[Japanese Flashcards]
貯金する /chokinsuru/ To save money
She put aside a lot of money.
It is wise to save money for a rainy day.
節約する /setsuyakusuru/ To economize
Please use the water with economy.
We had better save our time and money.
お小遣い /okozukai/ Pocket money
I’ve already spent all my pocket money for this month.
貯金箱 /chokinbako/ Piggy bank
None of the money was left in the money box.
お年玉 /otoshidama/ Pocket money that children receive from relatives in the New Year’s days
During Tet, children and the elderly receive some lucky money.
倹約 /kenyaku/ Thrifty
A small income obliges us to thrift.
He has been thrifty for years saving money.
投資 /toushi/ Investment
She benefited from the sound investment.
He invested a lot of money in stocks.
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